About me
Martijn Fabrie (1990, Den Haag, Netherlands)
The transience of things is a theme that regularly recurs in my photography. It can be found in abandoned and decaying buildings. But in our daily life as well. The story and atmosphere of an image is more important to me than the documentation of an event. Therefore I take my time in creating a foreseen image using post-production and different lightning techniques.
As an self-taught photographer and photo editor, I study a lot to continuously enhance my photography skills.

Trouw (29-01-2018)
Images featured in article about "Zondvloed Nu"
GUP Magazine
Interview print and online AD - Den Haag
Group exhibition at Bijbels Museum Amsterdam, Grote Kerk Zwolle and Kloosterkerk Den Haag
Art gallery Amstelveen
Leon|Raoul (2015 - 2016)
Vintage furniture
Galerie Ullersma (2015 - 2016)
Art gallery Rotterdam